31. Oktober 2023: Barbie (OV)

Kurzfilm: Lilith & Eve

Im Garten Eden. Ein schöner und üppiger Zufluchtsort, an dem alle Lebewesen friedlich Unzucht treiben können; die Heimat von Adam und Eva, dem ersten Mann und der ersten Frau auf Erden. Zumindest denkt Eva das, bis sie eines Tages von einer unverschämten Fremden überrascht wird, die sich als Lilith vorstellt, die erste Frau auf der Erde. Was Eva nun erfährt, wird alles, was sie über die Welt - und über sich selbst - weiß, in seinen Grundfesten erschüttern. (Länge: 6:06 Min.)

Barbie (Digital)

USA, UK (2023)

ab 6 Dolby Digital CinemaScope
Regie: Greta Gerwig
Schauspieler: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling, Issa Rae
114 Minuten
A world in pink

Barbie takes us on a magical journey between two worlds. In Barbie's world, everything seems to be perfect. She lives the perfect day every day, she spends time with her friends, she has parties and of course Ken does everything for her. But one day, Barbie realizes that she is changing and no longer fits into the perfect pink world.

In order to change this and to find the origin, she has to go to our world. Accompanied by Ken, she tries to find the girl who plays with her to find out if she is okay and to help her. However, in this world, many things are different from the one they came from, so they have to face many challenges and new views. To make matters worse, Mattel is afraid that if the existence of Barbie is revealed, there will be damage to the company. As a result, they are trying to do everything in their power to send their product, Barbie, back into their world. Will Barbie succeed in getting her old life back? What will happen to Ken in the new world?

It’s funny, it’s bright and uplifting, and I think has a lot to say about the modern world – both in terms of feminism and gender equality. Ryan Gosling really goes all-out. (Victoria Luxford. BBC.com)