26. Oktober 2017: A Fistful of Dollars (English Version)


Ein entliehener 50-Euro-Schein wechselt die Besitzer und tilgt dabei alle Schulden – eine Parabel auf die aktuelle Schuldenkrise und Theorie der Geldzirkulation, als Hommage an den frühen Stummfilm in Szene gesetzt. (Länge: 6:00 Min.)

A Fistful of Dollars

Italien (1964)

ab 16 Mono CinemaScope
Regie: Sergio Leone
Schauspieler: Clint Eastwood, Marianne Koch
99 Minuten
Who might change this town full of pride, greed and revenge?

A stranger named Joe arrives in the little Mexican border town San Miguel. The town is torn apart by two rivaling families: the Rojos and the Baxters. Both want to gain control of San Miguel, turning the town into a battlefield of their feud. The citizens suffer from this fight but are powerless.

Joe decides to play each family against the other in order to make money. Both clans are impressed by his speed and accuracy with his gun. The Baxters and the Rojos hire him in order to work as a contract killer for them. But soon his plan is uncovered.

It is the leader of the Rojo family who blows Joe’s cover and makes him suffer. Nevertheless the gunfighter is able to break free and find shelter. After a short time in exile, Joe comes back to San Miguel with one ambition: he wants revenge.

Stubbled, chewing on a cheroot cigar, and wearing that threadbare poncho, Eastwood comes short on talk but presents this antihero with an aloof sense of parody. (empireonline.de)